From the visionary minds of TonyTM-Award winning international stage veterans Lukas May-Floor, Kira Lehman and Max James comes a new MIDI-Pop-Slapstick Opera guaranteed to take you back down memory lane all the way to Ye Olden Days of Goofs Galore! You’ll be rubbing your eyes in disbelief that you didn’t just experience genuine time-travel magic and rubbing your ears in disbelief that you’re hearing the critically-acclaimed Midiville characters sing along to State-of-the-Art Midiville TimesTM Official Midi Soundtrack and not an actual live big band symphony orchestra! From MMM Productions, the legendary and mysterious wandering theatre troupe that’s been described as “Disney, Dreamworks, and DaVinci rolled into one” and hailed as “the future of politically-aware standup” comes Midiville TimesTM At turns tearjerking and heartwarming, subversive and sensational, inspirational, and irresistibly danceable—not to mention a barrel of laughs — this is a classic buddy-comedy romp to be remembered through the ages, especially the Midiville Times ages! If you loved Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton, Shakespeare’s Lord of the Rings, and Playmobil this political rally show is for you! See it on the touring stage before it hits Broadway! Yas Queen! Yas King!
Welcome to Midiville TimesTM! Whether Pauper or Rich, Wizard or Witch, Peasant or Lord of Elite, By Royal Decree Thou art in for a Treat!! Will you join the epic quest to rise to the top of Midiville Times? King, Queen, Bishop or Jester, all are welcome to this all-ages action-packed adventure for the whole family! Featuring many timeless hit musical numbers such as “Midiville Times Song” “Pirate Song” and “Island Vibrations” not to mention the by now classic “Shepherd Song” and “Final Musical Number Lyrics TBD”.