Cucina Povera the solo project of Karelian-Luxembourgish sound artist and composer Maria Rossi, focusing on the marginal and the observational. The repeated motifs in their work are an uncanny testament to the beauty of banality, infused with the mysticism of everyday life and a love for accessible sound sources like creaky tenement floors, boiling kettles and leaky taps – stories told by means of accessible and rudimentary synthesis of voice and field recording. Like in the titular practice of peasant cooking, Rossi takes simple ingredients and makes a stylistically resourceful, spontaneous hermeticism that primarily makes for a creative respite from the hubbub of the metropole. For this project Cucina Povera is looking to perfect the craft of creative gleaning, highlighting the dynamic of benefiting from that which is around whilst exploring the notions of parasitic sound and sonic artefacts. The idea is to explore abstract parallels between parasitology and sonics through sequenced, organised and aesthetic sound.