Hallo: Radiospiele 2021 Edition III

Edition III: Capital H – work, property and the commons

Hello Hamburg, we need to talk. For what has long been a topic of discussion in many places is also creeping up on Hamburg’s east: With rising land and rent prices, the arrival of international investors and the realization of the master plan ‘Upstream on the Elbe and Bille’, real conflicts and threat scenarios are brewing for the cultural, social and commercial interim uses that have often lasted for decades and have so far characterized the district just as much as the car trade and the countless office spaces. For all of them, the question of the future arises: Who may stay, who must go, who has the money – and who does not?

  • Hallo Radiospiele Capital H (Foto: Antje Sauer)

  • Hallo_Radiospiele Capital H (Foto: Antje Sauer)

  • Hallo_Radiospiele Capital H (Foto: Antje Sauer)

  • Hallo_Radiospiele Capital H (Foto: Antje Sauer)

  • Hallo_Radiospiele Capital H (Foto: Antje Sauer)

That’s why we talk: Under the title ‘Captial H – Work, Property and the Commons’, we will speak over three days, each on one of the complexes of topics that have long been the subject of many initiatives and individuals in this space. They negotiate critical perspectives, network, and develop collaborative projects. They want urban development with a different sign: collaborative, non-commercial and inclusive.

On the weekend of May 14-16, 2021, we’ll be bringing various actors to these topics into the conversation and into your terminals with the third edition of HALLO: Radio Festival. We publish these arguments, thoughts and ideas, create links (hopefully also with you!) and want to further fuel the discussion about the future of our cities.

Be curious about music, interviews, concerts, fence talks, readings and much more – among others with Gabu Heindl, Eva von Redecker, WERK – Haus Neuer Arbeit, Alster-Bille-Elbe PARKS, Trashboo and many more – to listen to on: halloradio.net

Hallo: Radio Festival Edition 3 | Capital H will also be broadcast simultaneously on the radio of the current special exhibition of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe ‘Life on Planet Orsimanirana’: radio-orsimanirana.com

Listen to all contributions on:

The HALLO: Radio Games are sponsored by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media and the Musikfonds e.V. with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

By and with:

Daniel Möhring, Dorothee Halbrock, Johanna Padge, Julia Marie Englert, Katrin Dröppelmann, Kirsten Plöhn, Leon Lechner, Nina Manz, Nuriye Tohermes, Tino Holzmann